Weekly posts about the process and results of the North Shore Raider Nation as well as ramblings on sports in general.
Special Interests
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Two Year Anniversary Post
Today is the second anniversary of this blog. A number of people have been reading since post #1 two years ago. And I understand, there are a number of new readers in the last week as the Development Office at North Shore just completed a mailing promoting this site. Thanks to all for reading.
I started two years ago with the goal of writing something once a week about sports at North Shore. I saw it as a way to better communicate what I saw our educational mission was. But I found that writing once a week was hard to remember to do. So I quickly changed that goal to writing every day. I did not initially post something every day, but I made a pledge to write every day for 10 minutes.
In the last two years, I have posted 921 times, had over 200,000 pageviews and supposedly over 15,000 unique viewers -- although I am always suspicious of these stats. Most of these posts are from my second year of blogging as I learned how to live blog events. Last March I had my biggest day on the blog when our boys basketball team played in the Super Sectional Game. I had 2000 pageviews on that day.
My favorite part of the writing this blog, though, is sharing stories that I hope communicate an aspect of why we (or I) do what we do. I am lucky that I work in a community that loves sports -- and I am referring to the North Shore of Chicago in general here not just the school. That leads to a lot of interest in what I post. A typical day for this blog is about 5-600 pageviews. A good day is over 1000 pageviews.
The most common question I get about this blog is how do I find time to write it. My answer is I started with a discipline of writing for 10 minutes a day. I am a believer in the power of habit, and I learned a long time ago that to start a new habit it takes 21 days. The first 21 days were the hardest part, but since then writing has become a habit.
Since the 2013 New Year, I have tried to change the habit to writing 30 minutes every day. That has been harder for me to accomplish.
There are certainly days when I spend more then 30 minutes writing, but I try to do most of my writing right before I go to bed. That way, if I spend more than 30 minutes it is just taking away from sleep and as I get older sleep seems to be harder and harder to come by anyway. It also gives me a chance to sleep on what I write and change it in the morning before posting.
The biggest change to my life from writing this blog is how much more I read and how little I watch TV. I did watch the Super Bowl, but I have not watched much else on TV since. Yes, not even Downton Abbey! I started reviewing books on occasion and from those book reviews I got book suggestions from readers. Now I am reading every day. I have a hard time reading at night because I fall asleep pretty quickly, so I try to get up early in the morning and read. My own father started getting up at 4:30 am to read when he was about my age, and I think I am just following that pattern.
There have been a lot of folks who inspired and inspire me to continue these blogposts. My Dad told me from early in my career to write something daily. I tried unsuccessfully a couple of other times. For some reason, this format stuck. I invited Vern Gambetta to North Shore Country Day in 2001-02 school year as a Master in Residence, and we became friends after that visit. His blog, Functional Path Training, which has now been going for seven or eight years has been a huge influence. I met Dr. David Hoch, a former High School Athletic Director and Coach from Maryland, almost ten years ago now. He is the most prolific writer I know on issues of High School athletics with well over 100 articles and two books. He has been a great role model for me. Among many folks at North Shore, Head of School Tom Doar has read I am sure every post and always been a supporter as has our webmaster Art Jessen '70 -- who also occasionally gives me greatly appreciated advice about how to create better posts.
But mostly it is the nice notes I get from family, friends, athletes, colleagues and people who are literally all over the world that keep this going.
I started with a goal of a year of writing and now my goal has expanded to five years. I hope by that point I might have written a few pieces worth remembering and also helped our program get stronger and stronger.
Thanks for reading this blog. I love hearing from readers whether you are a North Shore Country Day School student, colleague, parent or alum or you have no connection to the school at all. Send me a note or post a comment.
Happy Anniversary! Your posts are often a highlight of my day.
ReplyDeleteCongrats. I'm a big fan of your writing and wisdom. Use Google Analytics for free if you want detailed blog information http://www.google.com/analytics/
ReplyDeleteThe bots like to visit blog sites. Many don't trust blogger stats - http://jensontaylor.blogspot.com/2012/03/blogger-stats-vs-google-analytics.html
Bottom line, it really doesn't matter - Writing is cathartic - I do it mainly for myself - If others gain anything from my words/writings, even better. Keep doing your thing. If you provide enlightenment to one person, it's worth it.
Keep it up Patrick. Remember how far you have come from and what good work you have done since that tiny office off the 3rd floor fire escape hallway. Onward and upward.