Special Interests

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Coaching Lessons from Mike Krzyzewski

The cynic in me would like to say that Duke won Monday night because they have the most money, they have the best program, they are able to attract the best players. It is all about the talent and money and prestige are what win championships for Duke.

Then I read the piece in the Wall Street Journal yesterday How Duke Saved Its Season and I realize there is a lot more to it than that.

Talent has to be developed and coached and as painful as it is to say given all my Wisconsin friends, there is probably no one better then Mike Krzyzewski.

Here is the lesson from the article. The great coaches are always learning are always adapting are always changing. Times change and players change and they realize that what worked for one group will not for the next. So they change sometimes in subtle ways and sometimes in big ways.

So Duke exits the tournament early last year and wins it all this year. Sure talent had something to do with it. But coaching and developing that talent was the key to victory.

Read the article. Let me know if you cannot get access and I will email you my copy. A lot of lessons in it.

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